Threesome Fun Ch. 02

"So many hotties," I thought to myself as I wiped the sweat from my brow. I had been going hard on the elliptical for about 20 minutes while I scanned the gym, trying to not appear as though I was staring at any one individual for too long. Nearly any one of these women would work.... but I had to find just the right one.

In addition to scouting out the room, I had also used my workout to reflect on the events of the night before. And what a night it had been. I still felt like such a sexual being after having possibly the best sex of my life with our unassuming guest, Tyler. I also couldn't get the image out of my mind of the way my husband watched us as we fucked. His face portrayed a mixture of arousal, lust, jealously and maybe even a little fear.

After making my husband cum for the second time, we were all a bit tired and decided to call it an evening. We washed up, got dressed and said our goodbyes to Tyler. As we changed our sheets (boy did I make a mess) and prepared for bed, Dan and I couldn't help but smile at each other. After nearly 10 years of marriage we really didn't have to speak to know what each other was likely thinking.

Though I believe the threesome had largely been a success I could tell that Dan undoubtedly had some mixed feelings about the evening. He obviously had been highly aroused from the events. After all, he got off twice in the time span of probably 30 minutes or so (a feat that was increasingly rare at his age). However, I also knew that Dan could tell that my sex with Tyler was on a completely different level from what we had ever shared as a couple. It wasn't just that his cock was larger (that helped a bit!). It was mostly because he simply had far greater stamina than my husband. This was especially apparent when I was on top. I could fuck him far more vigorously than I ever did with Dan.

My feelings were also somewhat mixed. The threesome had been arousing beyond my wildest dreams, yet I did feel a bit bad for Dan. I truly did not want him to feel like a cuckold, even if it seemed a part of him was really into it. As I was trying to fall asleep that night, I made up my mind that I would certainly make it up to him by finding the most attractive woman I could find that was willing to have a threeway with us. The gym of course was the best place for me to search.

Just as my 30 minute alarm began to buzz, signaling the end of my elliptical session, a drop-dead gorgeous blonde walked into the workout room. She was one of the gym regulars who I had spoken with a few times over the past year or so. I recalled her showing me how to use one of the pieces of equipment at one point, and if I remembered correctly, her name was Madison.

She was certainly a petite girl, barely five feet tall with a cute youthful looking face. I imagined she was in her early 20s. Her form fitting workout clothes revealed her amazing figure.... a slim torso with toned limbs and a sexy booty that stuck out a little farther than you might think for her size. She always wore a substantial sports bra, so it was difficult to tell how well endowed she was, but it looked like she was a bit bigger than I was up top. The most remarkable thing about her looks, however, was that in my opinion she had the most perfect complexion I have ever seen on a person. As a light skinned freckled person, I had always been jealous of people who tanned well. This was certainly the case with Madison. Her skin was smooth and creamy with a brownish olive color that contrasted delightfully with her bleached blonde hair. She looked to be of Caucasian descent, so she must have spent decent amount of time tanning.

Even though my alarm had already signaled the end of my session, I decided to spend another few minutes on the machine so I could watch Madison prepare for her workout. As I watched her put her short leg on a bench to re-lace her shoes, I suddenly imagined her naked, lying on top of my husband. An intensely erotic feeling washed over my sweaty body. I was quite surprised by how aroused that thought made me. I had never been one to be that attracted to other women, though I did admire their beauty. And I certainly had never thought that seeing another with Dan was the kind of thing I would derive pleasure from. But in this moment, that is certainly where my mind was. Maybe I had become a little more sexually awakened after the previous evening's encounter.

What if she was the girl? Would she go for it? Would I even have the courage to ask? A girl that gorgeous, she is bound to have a boyfriend I thought, so no there was no way I was going to ask her to cheat or anything, even if she did find Dan attractive enough as many younger women seemed to. I tried to push these thoughts out of my head as I got off the elliptical and prepared for my 20 minutes of cool down stretching.


After my stretches, I began making my way to the locker room to grab a quick shower before heading back to work. Just as I was about to enter, I spotted Madison in the corner of the room. She was holding a large medicine ball and intensely doing a series of squats. That must be how she gets that sexy butt, I chuckled to myself. She was really going at it, her face moist from sweat as she stared at her reflection on the mirrored wall. Again, the thought of her perfectly toned body on top of Dan's rugged manliness popped into my head. Wow what a sight that would be!

I quickly entered the locker room and grabbed an open shower. The warm water was nice on my skin, which was cold and clammy from an hour's worth of perspiration. Though my heart rate had come down considerably from the intense part of my workout, it seemed to still beat a bit faster than normal. That, combined with the fact that my nipples were super hard and my entire crotch region more sensitive than normal told me the my body was in fact quite turned on. Those thoughts about Madison must have really got me going. I could not get her out of my mind.

It was everything I could do not to give in and furiously finger myself right then in the shower. But I knew that I really did not have the time and that I might have a rough time not making any noise. I certainly did not want to be caught and have to find another gym. I laughed to myself at that thought.

So I quickly and efficiently finished washing my aroused body. After rinsing, I toweled off a bit and put on my undergarments in the small changing area just outside of the shower. As I pulled the curtain back, ready to head to my locker and grab my work clothes, I froze, my mouth gaping.

Just to my left no more than 10 feet way was Madison. She was facing away from me, towards a part of the locker room that was empty. This might seem unremarkable, but the thing that made me freeze was that she was totally nude on her bottom half. A pair of black shorts lie crumpled on the bench next to her, which I imagined she had just taken off. The view of her sexy backside was exquisite. Her tanned butt, just a shade or so lighter than the rest of her skin, was so round and supple yet looked quite firm. I instantly had the urge to walk over and cup it just to feel how soft her skin was, as crazy as that sounds.

Still facing away, Madison then reached her arms upwards in a small post-workout stretch. This only caused her butt to stick out further making it look even more appealing. I was sure if my husband got this kind of view, he would just about pass out. Then Madison lowered her hands and they quickly found their way to the bottom of her sports bra.

Was she just going to strip right here in the main locker room? I mean, I knew that some woman were less modest than others. I was comfortable wearing a bra and panties around the room, but never got completed naked out here. But I guess if I had a body like hers I might be more at ease showing it off, I laughed to myself again.

Madison then firmly began to pull the damp fabric upwards. She struggled a bit at first, twisting her body as if to free something before the band finally gave way and slid up towards her shoulders and upper arms. Her entire back, complete with more perfect sun-kissed skin now came into view. But the thing that really caught my eye was how each of Madison's breasts were now slightly visible just under her armpits. At first I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but it was clear that even with her body turned completely away, I could see a considerable amount of bounce as they sprung free from the obviously restrictive bra. How big must those things be?

Next, Madison bent down and grabbed a folded up towel on the bench next to her. In one quick motion, she unfolded it completely and flung it forward to wrap it around her impossibly sexy torso. As she did this, she also began to turn towards her left, towards me and the showers. For a brief instant I got a view of the entire side of her left breast, maybe even a hint of nipple before it became covered by the towel.

I tried to look away, not wanting her to know I had been gawking at her for at least several seconds, but it was too late. It was super obvious that I had seen her naked body, before she had covered it in a towel. Madison grinned at me.

"Oh, sorry about that," she said, giggling. "I guess I was giving everybody a show."

I quickly glanced around the room, noticing that I was the only other person even close to her at that point. All of the other women were on the totally opposite side of the room or in one of the other showers.

"Haha, yes" I stammered back as a response. "Good workout?" I continued, trying not to seem like a creepy older lady.

"Only had time for a quick one today. Just buns and thighs!" Madison answered, grinning. Her smile was simply gorgeous, revealing perfectly white teeth in between small delicate lips. Her perfectly shaped eyebrows were also exquisite, a couple shades darker than her light blonde hair and framed her bright green eyes wonderfully.

"Well keep doing that one, girl.... it really seems to work for you!" I blurted out without thinking. I could not believe I just said that!

"You think so?" Madison asked, earnestly.

I nodded. I am sure my already flushed face was getting redder by the moment.

"Well thanks so much. I really do like when I get compliments from girls."

I blushed harder, smiling at the notion of her referring to me as a "girl" when I was probably 15 years her elder.

"I just call it like I see it," I responded, this time actually laughing out loud.

"It's Julie, right?"

My heart fluttered slightly as I was truly taken aback. She had actually remembered my name!

"Yes.... Madison?" I pointed at her, asking for affirmation.

"That's me. Hey, is that shower open now?" she asked, glancing towards the stall I had just come from.

"It's all yours."

"Oh good. Sometimes I have to wait forever for one to open up. Next time I see you in here maybe we can just share one."

Madison giggled again as she stepped in and quickly closed the curtain behind her. If there was any doubt whether or not she knew I had been enjoying her naked body, that had been totally erased at that point. At least she did not seem put off by it. Nevertheless, I did not have time to dwell as I was already running quite late for work.


A couple days passed without me seeing Madison at the gym. I am not sure whether I was relieved or disappointed by that fact. Ever since our encounter in the locker room, I had developed a bit of an infatuation with her. I could not get her out of my mind and especially got flustered when thinking of her with Dan. There could not be a more perfect woman out there to complete our threesome fantasy. I just had to somehow work up the nerve to ask her. How? I had no idea. I was having a rough time coming up with a plan, so maybe I thought I could just improvise. But what was I actually going to say when I saw her again? It did feel like she was flirting with me a bit that day in the locker room, but was she just teasing, or was she slightly serious?

On my fourth trip to the gym after seeing Madison in the locker room, I found myself in one of the smaller back rooms, one that was designated for ladies only. It was a "core" day for me and I was seriously into my 3rd set of planks. As I held the position, my abs shaking with exertion, I heard a familiar voice call out.

"You get it girl!"

I fell out of the pose, leaning to one side so I could look in the direction the sound came from. There, happily bounding into the room, was Madison. She smiled at me.

"Wooo! Look at those abs. You are workin' it!"

I laughed as I struggled to get up and sit on a nearby bench. My entire core was pleasantly aching with fatigue. I sat down, still try to catch my breath.

Madison surprisingly came directly over and gracefully sat down right next to me. She reached a hand over and felt my stomach through my Lycra top. I could not believe how forward she was, but I liked the attention.

"Wow I am jealous," she stated.

"What?" I laughed back.

"I guess planks really work for you."

It was crazy that this girl could have been jealous of anything on my body, but I guess I had really been working on my core lately, and just after a session, my abs really were pretty firm, almost visible under a small layer of belly fat. I beamed back at her.

"Thanks! I am jealous of your butt," I continued, again without really thinking.

"Ha, yes I remember. But yours is so nice too. I know mine sticks out a lot, but I like how yours is more wide."

Had she been staring at my butt as well when we she walked in? This was so surreal, talking to a beautiful 20-somthing year old and comparing our bodies. I knew she was mostly trying to flatter me or make me feel good about my own body next to hers, but there was also something highly erotic about it.

"You are sweet," was all I could say in response.

"You know," Madison began, "I think it is so cool that women like you can get married now." She was staring at my wedding ring.

"Women like me?" I asked, confused.

"You know, lesbians."

I stared at her, dumbfounded. Her face began to flush.

"Wait, are you not gay? I am so sorry, I should not assume."

"It's OK," I chuckled trying to break the tension. I held up my left hand wiggling my ring finger. "Been married to a man for almost 10 years now, so pretty sure I am not gay." I laugher harder now.

"Oh I see," she said, pondering this information. "Does he know you are bi?"

Now it was my turn to do a bit of pondering myself. Was I bi? I had never used that word to describe myself, but here I was, clearly turned on by another woman.

"Oh no!" Madison continued. "I did it again. I really have to stop assuming." She rolled her eyes at herself.

"Like I said, it is OK." I instinctively put my hand on her leg to reassure her. Even through her yoga pants, her warm, muscular thigh felt amazing to touch.

"So sorry.... it is just that last week...."

"Oh yea, in the locker room. You probably thought I was really creepy. I didn't mean to stare at you."

"Well I certainly did not mind. Honestly I thought it was cool. I didn't notice your ring last week so I just assumed because it seemed like you kinda liked me or something and.... well I will just shut up now." Madison's face became ever redder.

I could not believe that it was actually me that was flustering this gorgeous young woman this time. How was that even possible? I quickly glanced around the room and was relieved that we were the only two people left.

"Madison, it is OK. I guess I liked what I saw," I said more directly.

"But you are not bi at all?"

"Umm, I'm not sure."

Madison looked puzzled.

"What I will say is that I have never been with a woman."

"Wow, never?"

"Nope. Have you?" I boldly decided to ask.

She laughed nervously. "Yea.... a few times. There was a girl at school I used to hook up with."

Could Madison get any more interesting, and sexier? "Wow!" was all I could respond with.

"Have you ever been curious or anything?"

"Um," I stammered. "I guess." Now it was my turn to get a little embarrassed.

"I mean I am not propositioning you or anything." Madison laughed as she put a hand behind my head gently touching my hair. "But you should try it sometime," she continued. "I bet your husband would like it."

Fuck! Now was my chance!

"Ummm.... now that you mention that...."

"What?" she replied, curiously.

"Believe it or not, my husband and I are actually looking for a woman to, uh.... have a threesome with."

Her eyes widened. "Really?"

"Yes. The truth is, we kind of have a deal worked out. A couple weeks ago we actually did a threeway with another guy and now I am supposed to find a girl for us to do another one with." I could not believe I was just spilling all the beans like this to Madison. She seemed to be a nice person and everything, but I hardly knew her.

A large grin spread across Madison's face. "Oh, I think I get it. You need to pay hubby back, right?"

"Yea, something like that."

"I'm in," Madison responded matter-of-factly.

"What?" I was again dumbfounded. A ball of sexual excitement was beginning to well up inside me.

"Sure," she replied. "I have never done that with a married couple, and I am always up for trying new things."

I quickly wondered what other crazy sexual experiences Madison had gotten herself into in her short life, but I didn't want to pry.

"Well, OK then." I laughed out loud. Madison put her hand up as if to high five me. I just shook my head and instead gave her the biggest hug I could. She enthusiastically hugged me back.


After agreeing to be our threesome partner, Madison and I exchanged numbers and decided to work out the details over text. Afterwards, we continued working out for a bit, carrying on a somewhat normal conversation as if nothing out of the ordinary had just happened. Soon I had to get going and we said our goodbyes for the day.

After leaving the gym, I decided to take the rest of the day off as I knew I was far too distracted to get any real work accomplished. I headed straight home, drew up a nice bath and after soaking for a few minutes, proceed to finger myself to the most delightful orgasm I could muster. Later that evening I decided to spring the news to Dan. As we climbed into bed, I got out my phone and began showing him some of Madison's instagram pics. He was instantly salivating of course.

"You think she is hot, right babe?"

"Umm.... Is this a trick question?" he laughed.

"What I mean is, would you like to have sex with her?" I asked, deciding to get more bold.

Dan looked at me, bewildered. "Did you?...."

"Yes baby.... she agreed."

"For a threeway? Are you serious?" Dan's eyes were glowing with excitement.

"Now don't get yourself too worked up. Remember you are still married to me," I answered, chuckling.

"Oh my god..... you really are the best wife ever!"

He kissed me passionately.... maybe more passionately than he ever had before. After a few seconds he broke the kiss and began working his mouth down my chin and neck. In between kisses he kept telling me how amazing of a wife I was and how much he appreciated me. I did have to admit that I was at least slightly jealous of the effect that giving him permission to fuck another woman was having on him, but I was certainly enjoying this attention. After all, I really did want to make it up to him for how great he had been during our encounter with Tyler.

Soon Dan's mouth had worked its way to my breasts where he pulled aside my evening gown and eagerly devoured my dark red nipples. But after only a few seconds he had moved even lower. I knew where this was going and a jolt of excitement rocketed through my body. Dan rarely performed oral sex on me, usually opting for using fingers or toys, so on the occasions he did, I definitely learned to appreciate it. It wasn't that he was unwilling to do it honestly, it is just that his tongue would often tire out long before he could get me off and his fingers proved much more reliable in giving me great orgasms.r"


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